1.cast stone lining plate and slot width begins form B=600mm, from 200mm to B=1400mm,
there are two size for Central height of B600、 B800、 B1000.they are H=640mm和H=440mm.but it just has one size H=640mm for B1200、B1400
Use and application range:it is used for transport?。幔睿洹istributediffrent Moisture?。幔睿洹ranularity?。欤澹螅蟆。簦瑁幔睢?00mm coals for coal preparation plant
It can be Horizontal and tilt transport. Horizontal transport. can be devided into single layer and double layers, but tilt transport is just for single layer. This series is mainly horizontal transport.
The speed of chain : 0.48m/s、0.76m/s
二、installation notice
if?。簦瑁濉onveyer is?。鳎椋簦琛。铮颉。鳎椋簦瑁铮酰?gate,drive frame, nose, tail frame and intermediate slot bracket, etc?。幔欤臁。恚酰螅簟。猓濉levated?。常埃恚怼ement.the intermediate tank?。椋蟆。椋睿螅簦幔欤欤澹洹。幔悖悖铮颍洌椋睿纭。簦铩equence number?。铮妗ntermediate tank?。铮酰簦螅椋洌澹?br/>2、
The installation should be level, straight.
The chain ring welding mouth?。螅瑁铮酰欤洹。猓濉。酰穑?/p>
free run?。螅瑁铮酰欤洹。猓濉。础。瑁铮酰颍蟆。幔妫簦澹颉。椋睿螅簦幔欤欤幔簦椋铮?,the?。簦澹恚穑澹颍幔簦酰颍濉。螅瑁铮酰欤洹。睿铮簟。猓濉。恚铮颍濉。簦瑁幔睢?0℃.The?。恚幔悖瑁椋睿濉 hould be smooth, no shock, vibration and so on.
The?。螅穑幔悖濉。猓澹簦鳎澹澹睢 ntermediate tank?。幔睿洹。妫欤幔睿纾濉。悖幔睢。猓濉。幔洌辏酰螅簦幔猓欤濉。猓。颍酰猓猓澹颉。猓欤幔睿耄澹簦?/p>
use and maintenance
1、 Should adjust tightness good two chain before driving, check all bolts loose phenomenon.
at the?。猓澹纾椋睿椋睿纭。悖瑁澹悖搿。簦瑁濉。猓铮欤簟。幔睿洹。悖瑁幔椋睢。猓澹妫铮颍濉。酰螅澹?br/> 3、
useNo. 1 or 2 sodium calcium base grease?。妫铮颉ntifriction bearing
Reducer lubrication should be executed according to operating instructions, donot arbitrarily change lubricating oil.
Chain operation such as found in "gone with the wind" phenomenon, is due to the casting slab shop repair rough and tank body caused by the product of coal "blind Angle". For this kind of phenomenon is adjustable flat cast slab or flat link in the chain welding on a piece of 8 * 50 * 100 mm steel plate, and 50 0 Angle to the direction, each welding a piece of 8-10 metres, not included in the, in the design of the user in the use of temporary welding according to the situation.
if?。簦瑁濉。簦鳎铩。悖瑁幔椋睿蟆?are uneven bearing wear,they?。鳎椋欤臁。幔妫妫澹悖簟ormal engagement,you?。螅瑁铮酰欤洹。悖瑁幔睿纾濉。簦瑁濉。悖瑁幔椋睿螅?br/>7、
You should?。悖瑁幔睿纾濉。簦瑁濉。悖瑁幔椋睿蟆。鳎瑁澹睢。簦瑁濉?nbsp; screw?。洌铮澹蟆。睿铮簟。鳎铮颍搿。鳎澹欤欤?br/>8、
take?。悖幔濉。铮妗 。簦瑁濉。螅悖颍澹鳌。悖欤澹幔睿?
9、Double transportation, scraper chain scraper assembly (deformed steel) should be positive and negative interval; In a two-way transport, scraper should be about interval assembly, chain in order to prevent the runtime.
you?。悖幔睢。椋睿螅簦幔欤臁。簦瑁濉。螅鳎澹澹穑澹颉。妫铮颉。簦颍幔睿螅穑铮颍簟 。簦瑁濉。欤幔颍纾澹颉?lump coal,gangue?。幔睿洹。螅铩。铮睿?br/>11、Turn adjusting screw with the tool (round steel Ф 24) solution by the users themselves.
四、use and maintenance?。妫铮颉。纾幔簦?br/>1、
Add the lubricating oil for bearing regularly.
often?。悖欤澹幔睢?pinion and rack
check?。簦瑁濉ormal engagement?。妫铮颉inion and rack
make?。螅酰颍濉。簦瑁濉。纾幔簦濉perate flexibly